Foto Briptu Norman Ciuman

Foto Briptu Norman ciuman

Brigadier Norman Kamaru name has not been lost from memory. Popularity Brimob members from Gorontalo directly skyrocketed after the action is rocking India did uploaded to the Youtube site.

Just want to escape the media spotlight, suddenly he comes back into the conversation. This time the photographs of people suspected of circulating in a First Brigadier Norman largest forum in Indonesia.

Some hot pictures depicting Brigadier Norman Kamaru with a woman spread in cyberspace. One photo shows a First Brigadier Norman kissing lips with a woman who uses minimal clothing.

"It should be further investigated, the original photographs or engineering," said Chief of Public Information Section Divisii Police Public Relations, Joey Boy Kombes Amar at Police Headquarters, Jakarta, Thursday (5 / 5/11).

Boy claimed not to know those photos. However, he also must ensure the authenticity of the photo. He will also confirm the matter to Brigadier Norman.

When asked if Norman will be given disciplinary sanction because the photos are hot, Boy dodged discussing disciplinary sanction was too far for Brigadier Norman discussed. "Do not talk about sanctions yet, too far," he said.

Now circulating more news concerning Brigadier Norman Kamaru captured by the Provos. Norman Kamaru Provos captured due to not report to superiors in connection with filming that conducted its activities in Jakarta recently.